
Healing Research : Volume III

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Personal Spirituality: Science, Spirit and the Eternal Soul

By Daniel J. Benor, MD
Foreword by Stanley Krippner, PhD
Awaken your personal spirituality!
  • Research and heartwarming personal reports confirming Out-of-Body, Near-Death and Pre-Death Experiences, reincarnation memories, channeled messages, the common experience of personal visits from people who died, and more. (See Contents, below)
  • Personal spiritual experiences that many people have and that you can have too
  • Participatory spirituality, a researched theory that can be tested scientifically
  • Research on religious affiliation and practice – which are proven to be good for your health!
  • 560 pages, including references, endnotes, glossary, index Publication: October 2, 2006


Prologue iv
Foreword v
Introduction 1
1. Out-of-Body Experiences (OBE) 25
2. Near-Death (NDE) and Pre-Death Experiences 36
3. Reincarnation 51
4. Apparitions, nature spirits and angels 73
5. Mediumistic (channeled) experiences 104
6. Possession 130
7. Psychic surgery 143
8. Religions and healing 202
9. Mystical experiences 275
10. Quantum physics converges with the mystical 303
11. Spiritual healing and spirituality 319
12. Research - physical & emotional correlates of religion & spirituality 391
13. Participatory spirituality 408
Conclusions 456
Glossary 460
Appendix A – Spirituality Resources 467
Appendix B – Healing in the Bible 471
Appendix C – Angels in the Bible 475
References 483
Emdnotes 521
About Dr. Benor 564


“For those who have ears to hear, let them hear: there is profound empirical evidence favoring the existence of the soul. No better guide than Dr. Daniel Benor exists for this journey. As he shows, belief in the soul is shifting from a matter of sheer faith to involve evidence in addition. This is a historic moment for humankind. Don't miss out; read this book.”
Larry Dossey, MD
“II am thrilled to see a book which explores many of the things I have personally experienced but which many scientists and health care professionals can't accept because of their limited training. I had a near-death experience as a child. I know that because of my past life killing with a sword I am here today curing with a scalpel. I can accept that consciousness is not local – when an animal intuitive in California sees through the eyes of my cat, missing for weeks, and tells me where to find her. I have been healed by a healer's hands when I was a non-believer. I have learned like astronomers and quantum physicists to accept what I can't explain. It is the nature of creation and we must explore as they do while maintaining a sense of wonder and open-mindedness. Dr. Benor's book does all that for us and I bless him for his work.”
Bernie Siegel, MD
“This landmark publication was written by Daniel Benor, MD, a physician who has studied unconventional healing both as a researcher and as a participant. Dr. Benor addresses his explorations from the standpoint of an advocate, but one who is an open-minded explorer, neither from a religious nor a conventional medical perspective. The breadth and depth of the research reports in this volume, on the psychic, intuitive and spiritual aspects of healing will engage even the knowledgeable reader. Dr. Benor brings an incredible wealth of detail to his discussions, taking an integrative systems approach, tying together disparate details into a coherent pattern. Western civilization does not differentiate between institutionalized spirituality and personal, individualistic spirituality, and the scientific community distances itself from both. In one of the most delightful sections of this book, Dr. Benor demystifies what have been called by many people ‘mystical’ experiences, suggesting that everyone can explore this area and enrich their lives as a result. This book is destined to take its place among the most influential and controversial in the field of claims, reports, and experiences of unconventional healing and spiritual awareness" 
Stanley Krippner, PhD
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